Impact Stories
UWC is about people - students, teachers, alumni, donors, partners, parents, and many more - who are making an impact on the world: from the most glamorous initiatives to the smallest acts of kindness, here are their stories.
60th Anniversary (9) Alumni (95) alumni stories (1) Arts (26) covid-19 (6) Education (23) Entrepreneurship (6) Environment and sustainability (8) Equality and human rights (8) Fundraising (2) Gender (9) Giving Back (7) impact stories (14) Journalism (7) Li Po Chun UWC (1) Medicine (14) National Committee (5) Peace and development (5) Pearson College UWC (6) Politics (24) Profile (61) Refugees (33) Short Courses (3) Students (21) Sustainability (34) Teacher (7) UWC Adriatic (1) UWC Atlantic (4) UWC Changshu (1) UWC Costa Rica (1) UWC Dilijan (1) UWC East Africa (1) UWC Iraq (1) UWC Li Po Chun in Hong Kong (1) UWC Maastricht (4) UWC Mahindra (4) UWC Mostar (1) UWC Red Cross Nordic (3) UWC Robert Bosch (2) UWC Robert Bosch College (1) UWC Robert Bosch in Germany (1) UWC Spain (1) UWC Thailand (1) UWC-USA (2) Waterford Kamhlaba UWC (2)
- The alum who rowed across the Pacific for UWC scholarships
- Experiencing The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict as a UWC Dilijan Student
- A Cross-UWC Conversation on Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- From Global Health Researcher in Diseases of Poverty to COVID-19 Advisor
- Meet Dechen, A Third-Generation Tibetan Refugee Turned UWC Atlantic Scholar
- Filling the Urgent Gap in Opportunities For Refugee Youth in 2020: An interview with UWCx Initiative, Amala