UWC Strategy
Our current strategy, UWC Strategy – 2018 and Beyond, was approved by the UWC International Board on 29 October 2017 as a result of a two-year, highly participative process involving members from all UWC constituencies. That included a consultation process open to all UWC community members, which started during the UWC Congress held in Italy in 2016.
The strategy informs the work of UWC International and of all UWC entities. Its overarching aim is simple: to increase UWC’s impact in making education a force for a more peaceful and sustainable future. It broadens UWC’s ambition from providing transformative education to its students to becoming a global voice for values and diversity-based education for peace and sustainability.
Seek. Educate. Inspire. These words represent our main areas of focus. The ambitions in each of these areas reflect the needs of UWC’s diverse constituents: our unique national committee system that enables us to select students in over 155 countries and territories worldwide; our 18 schools and colleges on four continents; and UWC International, which comprises our governing bodies. This strategic framework also opens the UWC movement to partnerships and engagement with the wider worlds of education and policy-making.
The document sets out concrete ways in which our objectives will be achieved and clarifies what role the different entities and members of UWC play in that. Rather than offering a standardised interpretation of the UWC mission and experience, the strategy values and empowers the diversity within our movement, while ensuring a common strategic direction and unity as an organisation. That is why our schools, colleges and national committees have translated these principles and objectives into their own strategies, taking into account their specific national and cultural contexts.
We encourage all members of the UWC community and beyond to read through the strategy and understand how we can all work together to further the mission and values of UWC.