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Bravegirl Camp / Waterford Kamhlaba UWCSA

31 October 2017

2017 Runner-Ups

BraveGirl Camp is a student-led gender equality initiative kickstarted in 2017 by then students Ellie (Chinese-American), Ike (Kenyan), Anna (Italian) and Shannon (Swazi). Thanks to the Young Aurora platform, the team successfully implemented the first BraveGirl camp in August 2017. 

The project consists of a five night girls’ residency camp for 15-18 year old eSwartini girls from urban areas with the goal of providing opportunities to future female leaders in the country. BraveGirl takes a holistic approach to women’s empowerment, moving from a focus on personal goals and health towards the wider context of empowerment in eSwatini. 

Since the project was launched with the help of Young Aurora, 150 girls from 10 local schools have taken part in the BraveGirl camp. They spend a week away from home, free to speak their thoughts, discuss ideas that may be shunned in their communities and learn that, as women, they can and will overcome the prejudices they might face and create a better future for Swazi society.