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Seed of Hope / Waterford Kamhlaba UWCSA

4 November 2021

2021 Winners

 This team aims to empower young people at Malindza Refugee Camp by creating a youth hub for them that serves as both an online education centre and social space. Given the added challenges that young people in this refugee camp have faced over the past year and a half, the students hope to help alleviate the educational and mental health consequences of this period. 
When reflecting on his work on the project so far, Seed of Hope team member Prince (who grew up in the DRC before moving to Zimbabwe as a refugee in 2017) said:


"This project shows that young people do not only have big fictional dreams of making positive changes happen, but that we also challenge the traditional way of doing things by stepping out with more realistic and clear ways of changing the world. Working on this project has been a rare eye-opening opportunity for me to become more aware of my strengths and weaknesses. It also emphasized what my purpose is and what gives meaning to my life. And it has drastically shifted how I see the complexity of the humanitarian cause we seek to address."