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Susan W. Mullins

27 March 2017

Council Member - Chair of UWC Costa Rica - Nominating and Governance Committee (NGC)

After a 28 year career in the Hollywood entertainment industry, Susan shifted focus to the field of conflict engagement as a mediator and consultant.

Susan has been deeply engaged for 40 years as a political and human rights activist in the US and internationally. Shortly after 9/11, a colleague introduced her to the UWC Movement. The idea resonated deeply. A four-day intense visit with the students at UWC-USA convinced Susan that UWC was a critically viable path to healing a divisive world.

In 2010 Susan was invited by a UWC colleague to work on some special student projects at UWC Costa Rica. In January 2013, Susan joined the Board of UWC Costa Rica and became Chair in April 2013, bringing her diverse experience and tireless commitment to this growing school. She is a member of UWC International Council and serves on the UWC International Nominating and Governance Committee.


“I am inspired being with adults and young people who work hard to live the values of UWC. I see their determination to grow from dreamers to change-makers. Our world is calling out for them. I believe my best work now is to be part of UWC to nurture and support the newest generations of leaders. It is where I draw hope for tomorrow.”