UWC International Newsletter
1 December 2021
Read the latest UWC International Newsletter here!
In this UWC International Newsletter you will find:
- News of Faith Abiodun, incoming Executive Director at UWC International, joining the UWC International Office in London.
- An invitation to join the 'From Kabul to Kakuma: Why Education is the Pathway for Refugees' Event on Wednesday, 8 December.
- A celebration of the Waterford Kamhlaba UWCSA Class of 2021!
- An interview with three sustainability coordinators at UWC Robert Bosch College and UWC Red Cross Nordic on 'Reimagining Education in the Age of the Climate Crisis'.
- A special interview with the UWC Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee of the UWC International Board about the Committee's first year in operation.
- And more!