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Alshimaa's journey from Sudan to Tanzania and beyond

22 May 2024

“At UWC, I learned that if running is difficult, I can try flying.”

- Alshimaa Ahmed

Alshimaa Ahmed (UWC East Africa, 2022-2024) from Gezira State in Sudan, is a recent graduate supported by Haggar Group in partnership with UWC International.

During her time at UWC East Africa in Tanzania, Alshimaa launched a project to teach local Tanzanian girls how to sew reusable pads; volunteered as a residential leader; and set herself a goal to climb the highest peaks in Tanzania to raise awareness about the war in Sudan. She achieved all of this alongside studying for her International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Alshimaa explains how the opportunity to study at UWC broadened her perspective and pushed her to step out of her comfort zone:

“The academically challenging curriculum, combined with the diverse community has created a magical environment for learning. I have learned from the people around me as much as, if not more than, what I learned from my textbooks. Moreover, I have been able to engage with the fascinating nature and the local community, which has helped me understand myself more and consequently understand the world around me. At UWC, I learned that if running is difficult, I can try flying.”

Looking back on her UWC experience, Alshimaa shares her own interpretation of the ‘sustainable future’ element of the UWC mission: “It is simply the skill of building bridges and connections between people and breaking down all the barriers that might hinder us from understanding each other and living peacefully together.”

Alshimaa’s journey from Sudan, to Tanzania and beyond is a reminder of the power of UWC in providing a unique and global education experience.  The support from UWC’s funded partners is pivotal in giving deserving and promising students like Alshimaa access to an education that allows them to make a positive impact on the world far beyond graduation. 

Alshimaa has accepted an offer to further her studies in Astrophysics and Business at Wellesley College in the United States.

Alshimaa at UWC East Africa's graduation ceremony