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Universidad Camilo José Cela

5 October 2019
Madrid, Spain

The Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC) in Madrid, Spain, and the UWC Spanish National Committee have signed a collaboration agreement whereby the UCJC will provide grants for the university degree of five selected students, starting from enrolment in the summer/fall of 2020. These scholarships will cover all the costs of registration, credits and recognition of the degree achieved at the University until the student has completed their degree.

Through the agreement, the UCJC adds to the values of UWC and extends its mission to higher education, allowing selected students to continue their studies in Communication, Urban Management, Digital Arts in Business and Technology, or the newly born degree of Entrepreneurship and Business Management.

For more information, Interested candidates should contact the UCJC via Jesús Guodemar on

About the Universidad Camilo José Cela

The Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC) is a private, pluralistic, supportive, independent and on-site university founded by Felipe Segovia Olmo, in 2000, with headquarters in Madrid (Spain).

Its recent organizational transformation and renewed academic model of humanistic inspiration, international and bilingual (Spanish and English) influence has led it to be based on three fundamental pillars: an interdisciplinary approach of know-how (among all sciences leading up professions), a strong teaching vocation and a distinct focus on applied research.